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Week 11: get inspired!

It’s the end of the month and 3 weeks since my last post… am I sorry? No not really. Life gets in the way and at the moment the last thing I wanna do is sit at my laptop and post a gratitude challenge when I could be out there showing the world my gratitude. Week eleven was showing gratitude to some who inspires me- either dead or alive. Do I have anyone in particular no not really but people who I do regard as inspiring are the people who I feel are kicking life in the butt, accomplishing goals and making lifestyle changes, people who get up in the morning to enjoy what could be their last day.

Inspiration, n/

  1. The process of being mentally simulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative

  2. A sudden brilliant or timely idea

Inspiration can come from anything it just depends on what you want to be inspired by and for me I am consistently inspired by the human race on how good and bad we can be and how we pick the good from the ugly. I love how one day I am inspired by the love and compassion my friends group have for one another and then the next I am inspired by how easy going individuals are in life and the appearance of a stress free life they live.

However, can one be inspired by how people suck at life or how negative they can be? Yeah it doesn’t sound inspirational at all but if you think about it maybe they inspire us to not be like that, to not be like them and to realise that life can be worse and that we should be grateful for the path we are walking down.

I am a sucker for inspiration; yeah I might be bubbly and outgoing but I need a kick to get out there, a kick in the direction of you can do it and the only person stopping is you. We can by shy and get stuck in a rut, we just need a winch out occasionally and hope that we make the rest of the way without falling back into the ruts.

Look don’t get me wrong I have been inspired by different individuals my entire life and wouldn’t the person or be in the place I am at without them. Obvious inspirational individuals are my family especially my mum and how committed she is at life with all the good and the ugly. Previous operations manager from New South and how happy and positive he was no matter the situation, the feeling was contagious and a simply smile or hug would change everything as if he was able to clean the slate and share nothing but happiness. I am inspired by an old friend who is doing what she loves in a rural location, benefitting those around her- even her mum and dad are inspirational. A man that is committed to ensuring everyone is fine before him I am inspired and forever grateful that I can call him a friend of 6 years and still counting.

I love meeting new people; I love listening to their stories and what they have achieved in their life- they inspire me the most. So say hi to someone new and find out what is something that inspires them. When you think you are on track and know what you want in life you will meet people who open your mind, or even a song will change your perspective, or a new “toy” will hit the market that you want to better you or your life- that is when we research, we ask questions and get curious- that is the moment we are inspired.

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LIFE is about moments,  Don't wait for them. CREATE THEM.
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Just a young lady making her mark, one blog at a time!


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