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week 10: love yourself a little

Can you name 5 things straight away that you like about yourself? Ready… set go?

How did you go? Did you struggle or did you find it easy?

This task can be a difficult one at best but it all comes down to you.

We live in a beautiful and wonderful world but a world of full of stigma to be fit and healthy, to be the perfect example for others, that brains will get you good paying jobs where as looks will get you places. You can’t deny that you have landed in this social stigma boat from time to time again but the only person putting you there is you and the only person stopping you from achieving more than what society already tells you to is YOU!

There are people out there who help us, guide us and support us to be the better self that we can be. We may know them personally, follow them on social media or researched extensively them through the web, books and movies. They could be famous people like Frida Kahlo, Leonardo Da Vinci, The Dalai Lama or even an actress/activist like Emma Watson. You might follow multiple fitness lovers, entrepreneurs and activists on social media like Ashy Bines or Kayla Itsines or my personal favourite: Rachel Hollis (who I have been following for a good 6 years and still inspires me day in and day out) it could be a family member or friends or even old school mates. I mean hell I love watching people blossom into themselves especially old school friends doing what they love and sharing it with the world- some now have worked alongside brands like Myer and Nike. For inspirational people I generally follow them on Instagram; these people might not be famous like Kim.K but to me they are human and express how they feel- the good, the bad and the ugly real world of being a human. Three that come to mind are – Chloe Szep, Paygeeann & Miranda Rights.

Now remember with everything you like about yourself you will always find a flaw. We humans, I swear are made to find the flaws before seeing the beauty. I believe we need to change how the mind has been trained by society to see the beauty before we criticize; and this is what I have tried hard to instil on myself whether it is the world around me, the people I meet or about myself. Yes, I still judge but with an open mind.

Five things that I like about myself-

ONE: Patience.

Funny as I can be the most impatient and impulsive individual on the history of this planet but I am rather patient with people who are eager to learn and it always amazes me that I never get short tempered and overtake because they’re taking too long or not doing it the way I like. I believe this aspect is what makes me a great supervisor, friend and sister. The times that I get impatient are the times I am frustrated with time and I have learnt over the last year that time will always win and in order to work with time we must be patient and be willing to wait. Like they say “Rome wasn’t built in a day”

TWO: Strength.

Strength is not just physically but mentality as well. I personally believe that mentality strength is more important than being physically strong- why? I believe being strong internally is a sign of confidence, a will to step out of your comfort zone even though it hurts, not limiting yourself due to others bad decisions and over all proving to yourself that you can do it and you only grow stronger with each moment. I am a very guilty person and I let this take the best of me, I over think situations or words and dwell on it for long periods of time as it rips me apart like a pulling strings off a cheesestix. Anxiety hits me at the oddest moments but I have learnt to take control of it; yes I don’t physically put myself in those moments all the time because it does cause pain but I am happy that I can walk through shops without feeling guilty and worried, I may not look comfortable but I remind myself I used to be able to do this without second thinking about it.

My internal strength has given me a voice to speak out, to explain and reason. My physical strength is just a representation of my internal strength progress.

THREE: Funny/ Humour.

Yeah I think I am funny, could I be a comedian? NO haha! You just have to be one of those lucky people in my life who get to witness my humour in real life. I believe humour is a key to happiness and can generally lighten any mood obviously depending on the situation. Work is one of those places both back and front of house. It is such a good trait to have especially in hospitality because overall life is just one big hospitality job. Being able to take a joke or give a joke can initially break the ice but build a connection with individuals or groups. You want to be able to get along with everyone who you work with (I didn’t say you had to like them but for the short hours you spend with them it doesn’t hurt to be friends- I mean hey you are getting paid for it) but for me it is also members too.I am good friends with Jessica at work because all we do is laugh and joke around which built our friendship base and the same goes to Diana. My friendships with both of these wonderful ladies may have become deeper but at the end of the day we laugh more than the hyenas in The Lion King. Everything to me is funny but I have been told small things amuse small minds- I don’t have a small mind but I do find amusement in a lot of everyday things and it puts a smile on my dial or those around me. I mean hell I recently had a minor accident (no one hurt and just a scratch to the car) but neither of us were angry or sad because we joked around, we lightened the mood and overall had a pleasant time with a memory I am sure we will keep for years to come.

FOUR: Kind-hearted.

This covers a lot of aspects that I wanted to note but couldn’t as I could only pick 5. I believe I am a kind and compassionate individual and only ever want the best for everyone I meet. I hate to see people hurt and if I feel I can help them get on track I will do everything I can to do so. I always have time to lend my ear or shoulder for friends and family to rant or cry on. I act as their safe- someone they can count on, share secrets with and feel safe to be around. I believe this too also helps build connections with people- we all have problems and sometimes it is hard to talk about it but it is nice to know you have someone to talk to them about it cause yes seeing a psychologist for some is scary stuff. Being kind-hearted can be apparent in peoples features and can be a trusting sign for others. I believe this aspect ties in with ___________

FIVE: My Eyebrows.

Not a personality trait but it is something I like about myself and there is no shame in stating a body feature I like here. If I could put more individual body parts I like about myself I would, yet if you asked me a year ago I probably wouldn’t be able to give you single one I liked. Most people I meet on the street, in cafes or at work always make mention of my eyebrows and believe they are tattooed on, where in real fact they are 100% real. I take big pride in my eyebrows and maintain them regularly but sometimes when I feel they are too crazy for me to maintain I head out to my lady in Utopia, Kilsyth. I use the Australis Oh Hai Brow! Brow Shaping Kit to shape and fill them when I leave for work or out for the day but on my days off where I have no plans what so ever I don’t bother. My days of too much makeup are behind me and only put the effort in for special occasions which are rare haha or the odd wanna feel different for the day feels.

I dot pointed what I liked and the honest truth; I got 2 before I really had to think about it. Others that didn’t quite make the list would be my name and my coffee making abilities. In those moments when I feel out of place or hate for myself, I have started this little exercise where I start naming things I like about myself without any hate or nastiness. Surprisingly it helps clear my head, my worry, my stress and anxiety. The task/exercise is not easy but for me it works and I feel I am becoming more and more happier in the skin I am in. Working on these personality traits build strength internally and externally through the new and exciting periods, the quiet and reflective periods and the change and adjustment periods.

A recap on my week (for those are just interested in what I get up to for 7 days) well mostly work to be honest. I gymed on average 2 maybe 3x this week, building on my core strength through a variety of ab, oblique and core workouts as well managing a good arm and leg sesh. I feel an increase in muscles and have gained 2 kilos which I am happy about. I am eating more regularly but I have noticed an increase in the want for sweets but I feel I am controlling them the best I can. Wednesday couldn’t of come quick enough and wish I could reverse time and pause my moments spent with you but glad to hear all the funny and interesting stories of your travels. I squeezed in a massage and by god it was heavenly and well deserved but I think I will need to consider to see a physio soon.

Even managed to get out on a little midnight adventure towards Mt Buller. Was a little crazy but got what we needed done and I don’t think I would have been able to do it without your company, however wish we had an extra night cause I am craving a walk in the country side (but I will save this craving for Mt Kosciuszko and yes I will drive this time haha) Are you thinking you need a night or weekend away from the city be it summer or winter? Well check out THE BASE, it has everything plus some to cater for any person or family type with only minutes from the base of Buller- the mountain of extreme sports all year round.

Oh and have you been craving a sausage roll lately? Well you are in luck Yea offer the best and an award winning sausage roll that can’t be missed. Click here to check them out.

Next week we look at Someone who inspires me.

SIDE NOTE: It is funny posting this, why? Because each section has been started on a different day and each day I have noted something different I like about myself. Even on days like today where I am lost in this universe, unsure on where I am headed, battling raging wars internally all while trying to keep a positive and calm appearance. I would like to remind you to not always judge a person by their appearance as you don’t know what type of war they are fighting internally- each person has a different story to tell. There is always good in a person, sometimes it is nice to remind them but they too have to remind themselves.

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LIFE is about moments,  Don't wait for them. CREATE THEM.
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Just a young lady making her mark, one blog at a time!


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